In Malaga, the bicycle little by little is taking place an alternative way of transportation. Just a few years back, it was a mere utopia thinking about crossing the city from one point to the other without being rolled over by a car or occupying the space destined for pedestrians. Actually, the city council is working on the construction of five large itineraries exclusively for bicycles, with a total length of about 40 km.
The city council underlines the need of the public administration to reiterate and encourage “the culture of using the bike” and to reach levels of use similar to countries like Holland or Denmark.
This new infrastructure will permit Malaga to do a quantitative and qualitative leap during the next few years and getting closer and the total amount of kilometers of itineraries, like Barcelona (128 km), Seville (84 km), Vitoria (55 km) o Madrid (62 km), which are the reference cities in this matter.
Apart from the exclusive construction of bike itineraries, there will be as well a possibility of bicycle hiring, with centres available at the bus stops and public centres, like the University and the town hall, with the object of creating a function of interchange of transportation.
Nevertheless, this initiative will not be operative in short term, due to its elevated cost which adds up to 20 million Euros.